
Ryde Games – Multi Event Championships

Ryde Multi Event Championships TBC

Ryde Games Program

This Ryde Games event, is open to all registered Ryde athletes (free), plus their parents if they would like to test their skills.
Parents wanting to compete should arrive before 7.45am to register their details at the sign-up table.
All events must be attempted for athletes to be considered for a medal so please be punctual.
There will be an 8am start for age groups u14 and older and parents of these athletes are on set up so please be there by 7.30 to help.
Athletes u6 – u13 will commence at the usual time of 8.30, with warm-ups from 8.15am.
All age groups (and/or their parents) will be required to help pack away at each venue as they complete their last event for the morning.
Medals will be awarded the following week for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each age group.
As this is not a normal Saturday competition, in accordance with our standard record procedures, no junior Ryde event records can be set during our multi-event.
Our event line-up follows the events offered for LANSW State Multi. Although the order and time frame of our program will differ from the LANSW State Multi, our championships will give you a feel for the events held at the annual LANSW State Multi, and you may decide to enter that carnival. See the LANSW website for entry details.
A note for all competitors and parents – although there will be approximately the same number of events as a normal Saturday at Dunbar, the use of the track will differ and some delays should be expected.
Come and enjoy the atmosphere in the full knowledge that you may be a little later arriving home than usual.