

Juniors’ Information

Welcome to all Junior Athletes and their families who are returning to the Centre after a well earned break and those about to experience their first season of Little Athletics. (The Junior Division of the Centre is affiliated with the Little Athletics NSW).

The Juniors’ season commences in September each year and climaxes with the NSW Little Athletics State Track and Field Championships in March.

Little Athletics caters for children aged 3 to 16 as at midnight 31st December each year. Competition is offered in the under 6 to under 17 age groups and a Tiny Tot Program is also available at our Centre for children aged 3 or 4 years at  31st December.

Dual registration (joint membership of Juniors and Seniors) is available in the transition age groups Under 12 to Under 17 years of age. Athletes over the age of 17 years may continue their athletics by registering with the Senior Division of the club. Please see any committee member for more information.

It goes without saying that the success of Little Athletics is heavily dependent on its members. Parents, guardians, relatives and friends are required not only to administer, officiate and coach the athletes at the Centre, but more importantly to assist in the development of Australia’s most valuable resource…….our children.

We are expecting a busy, but enjoyable, seven months of athletics in which time we encourage a team spirit at Ryde. To achieve this we all (athletes, parents, guardians, relatives, friends and helpers) need to have a helpful and co-operative attitude in all situations, have a genuine interest and enthusiasm in what goes on and show fairness and support to others. With this encouragement and support the Ryde Athletics Centre can be assured of an enjoyable and rewarding season of athletics.

Parents/guardians should be aware that when they register their children, that both the children and the parents/guardians are members of the Junior division of the Centre. However, it is only the parents/guardians (maximum 2) who have voting rights. It is essential that the names of up to 2 parents/guardians, who may be present for any of the Centre’s activities, are given when registering your child so that we may contact you to exercise your voting rights.