Dunbar Park is owned by Ryde City Council and offers a top grade grass athletics track, including an 8 lane, 400 metre circular track, two 8 lane 100 metre straight tracks, 2 discus cages, 4 shot put circles, high jump and javelin throwing areas and 4 synthetic long jump run ups. A canteen facility is also available.
For the use of the field it is necessary to contact Ryde City Council.
If however, you require athletics equipment, the Ryde Athletics Centre may be able to help out.
The Centre has available for hire, the equipment listed on the accompanying “Equipment Hire Application“, to schools that have booked Dunbar Park for their athletics carnival.
The athletics equipment (excluding the Public Address (PA) system) is available for a hiring fee of $200.00.
The PA system is unavaliable this season due to the club house upgrade.
A starter kit is also available to hire at an additional $25.
Should you wish to hire any or all of the equipment, so that we will have sufficient time to organise a volunteer to make the gear available on the day, it is essential the “Equipment Hire Application” be completed and forwarded to the Ryde Athletics Centre at least 14 days prior to the day of your carnival.
Ryde Athletics has been part of the Ryde community for over 60 years, we pride ourselves on establishing and continuing strong links and ties to our local community therefore as part of hiring our equipment we will contact you at the start of our season with a request to advertise in your school newsletter.
To avoid disappointment please take action now.
To make the equipment available we need to organise a volunteer to give you access to it. The few available have jobs or businesses to attend. Should you leave your arrangements until the last moment our volunteers may already have their diaries full on the day of your carnival.
Don’t forget, the use of Dunbar Park must be booked through Ryde City Council.